About the Role

The role of the Chair is to lead Council providing strong non-executive leadership and encourage openness and transparency in all that Council does; and to act as an ambassador for the Council, inspiring confidence in the organisation and representing the interests of statutory regulation to outside bodies.

To deliver the statutory purpose of the GCC by ensuring that the Council:
  • Has effective arrangements to protect the public and ensure patient safety.
  • Sets the strategic direction of the GCC through the specification of its vision, values, aims, objectives, key performance indicators and targets.
  • Decides and regularly reviews the GCC’s strategic policies.
  • Holds the Executive to account for the effective and timely delivery of the GCC’s vision, values, aims, objectives, targets and policies, providing appropriate challenge and support.
  • Has adequate qualitative and quantitative means in place to monitor effectively the GCC’s performance and to assure itself of the validity and reliability of the monitoring information it scrutinises.
  • Is accountable to the public and key stakeholders and engages with them effectively in the development of its regulatory functions.
  • Regularly looks to the future and anticipates issues and opportunities affecting or potentially affecting the GCC’s statutory purpose.
To achieve effective application of the GCC’s resources and sound finances by ensuring that the Council:
  • Has adequate policies in place for the effective recruitment, retention and deployment of appropriately skilled staff, who are its key resource, and for the maintenance of their morale and development of their performance.
  • Has adequate policies, controls and processes in place to remain solvent as a going concern.
  • Monitors regularly and effectively its current and forecasted future financial performance, and has adequate means in place to assure itself of the validity and reliability of the financial data it scrutinises.
  • Assesses regularly the use made of its assets and other non-staff resources and deploys them effectively to best meet the GCC’s needs.
To achieve good governance by ensuring that the Council:
  • Sets standards of conduct which support the GCC’s values and determine the actions of the Council and of the Executive.
  • Takes collective responsibility for its decisions and for their effective delivery and evaluation.
  • Has an effective scheme of delegation which supports and reinforces the respective roles and responsibilities of the Council, its Committees and the Executive.
  • Regularly reviews its own performance objectively and acts on its conclusions.
  • Has objective and impartial arrangements in place to appoint a Chair and Council Members who are of high quality and to ensure their effective appraisal and development of their skills and abilities after appointment – and has comparable arrangements for re-appointment of current Members who are eligible.

Competencies required of the Chair of Council

The Chair should meet the following competencies. Applicants must set out how they meet these essential requirements.

Public interest and engagement
  • Demonstrates an understanding of and commitment to high personal standards as set out in the Nolan principles of public life.
  • Understanding, knowledge or experience of managing external relationships and engaging with the public and/or the chiropractic profession.
  • Knowledge and experience of working in partnership and promoting inclusion and involvement with the GCC’s key stakeholders or capacity to understand the GCC’s aims and priorities of its key stakeholders, including the public and patients.
  • Demonstrates commitment to the GCC’s statutory duty under the Equality Act 2010.
Contributing to our strategic direction
  • Understands strategic and business plans and the functions of governance and how they apply to the statutory duties of the GCC.
  • Demonstrates an awareness of the chiropractic profession and the healthcare context in which it operates.
  • Able to set the strategic direction of an organisation for the medium and long term, plan its delivery, monitor performance effectively, provide critical support and challenge constructively.
Analytical thinking and sound judgment
  • Exercises sound judgement.
  • Knowledge/experience of analysing and understanding complex detail, including financial data and situations before reaching an independent and objective conclusion.
  • Thinks clearly, analytically and creatively, with the ability to contribute constructively to the collective decision-making process, respecting the ideas and views of others.
  • The ability to quickly understand complexity whilst being comfortable working with uncertainty.
  • Reviews objectively own and organisation’s performance and acts on the results.
Holding to account
  • Accepts own accountability while holding the executive and other members to account.
  • Probes and challenges effectively.
  • Understands means by which accountability is given and exerted.
  • Scrutinises performance, provides effective oversight and manages risks.
Effective influencing and communication
  • Able to influence and persuade others, using well-reasoned arguments, experience of participating in group discussions.
  • Builds constructive relationships and works effectively in a team of people.
  • Uses evidence to support views, welcomes change to achieve improvement.
  • Good communication skills and ability to put views across clearly, persuasively, and sensitively.
Leadership and chairing
  • Demonstrable chairing/board level leadership experience and the leadership skills to set direction, motivate Council members and the Executive towards achieving the Council’s goals.
  • Collaboration and teamwork fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment encouraging diverse perspectives and facilitating consensus-building. Experience of undertaking performance appraisal of non-executives and senior staff.
  • A breadth and depth of understanding of strategic and operational matters relating to regulated sectors or professions. An understanding of the key role of regulation and education in ensuring high standards of chiropractic practice.
  • Have a proven track record of managing and building effective and positive relationships and commanding the confidence and support of key stakeholders across the UK and proven ability to act as an ambassador for Council at this level.
  • Have long term strategic thinking capabilities to steer the GCC through the next four years, leading the Council in setting the future vision, and responding effectively to future challenges in healthcare regulation.