How we will handle your application

We will deal with your application as quickly as possible (timings below are indicative). The selection process will be evidence led. Your application will be assessed and scored only on the basis of the responses given to the competency questions, Your CV will not be scored, but will be used to provide further context.

The responses you give will be scored from 0-5:
0 – being that you have provided no evidence to demonstrate that you meet a key skill
1 – being that there is very poor evidence
2 – being poor evidence
3 – being acceptable evidence
4 – being strong evidence
5 – being very strong evidence

Your application will also be “pre-assessed” before it is passed to the panel for consideration.

Process for Chair appointment

In the week commencing 16 October, the selection panel will decide the candidates who will be selected for preliminary interview with GatenbySanderson. This will take account of the evidence provided in your application. In selecting the best people for interview, the panel will ensure that all the applicants demonstrate any essential requirements in the competencies and experience for the post. You will be advised of the outcome of your application by 20 October by GatenbySanderson via e-mail.

Preliminary Interviews will take place week commencing 23 and week commencing 30 November and will be conducted virtually through Microsoft Teams video conferencing.

In the week commencing 6 November, the selection panel will decide the candidates who will be selected for final stage interview. This will take account of the evidence provided on your application and in your preliminary interview. In selecting the best people for interview, the panel will ensure that all the applicants demonstrate any essential requirements in the competencies and experience for the post.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application by 10 November by GatenbySanderson via telephone.
Reasonable adjustments will be made for candidates with disabilities who progress to preliminary and final interviews.

References for shortlisted candidates will be taken between 10 November and 22 November – please ensure that your referees are aware and able to respond during this time.

We will also undertake checks, including internet and social media checks, related to any information about you which could bring into question your eligibility or ability to perform the role, or which might represent a reputational risk to the GCC or the Privy Council. Where checks reveal information that might affect your eligibility for appointment, candidates will be given an opportunity to discuss the information before a course of action is decided upon.

For those candidates selected for final interview, the formal panel interview will take place on 28 November. The interview format will be confirmed with candidates at the point of invite, but this is expected to also include a panel presentation at the final stage.

The GCC plans to submit its recommendation for the Chair appointment to the Privy Council early December, following confirmation by the PSA that the Privy Council can have confidence in the process.

It is expected that the Privy Council will confirm the appointment in late December/early January. Please note that, at this stage, information provided by candidates and arising from our due diligence checks may be shared with the Privy Council and the PSA.

The Privy Council will write to the successful candidate formally offering them the appointment and the appointment will commence on 1 January 2024. This process can take some time and, unfortunately, we are unable to provide information about the outcome of the process for any candidate until the Privy Council has made its decision. We will keep candidates updated during this period.

If, following preliminary interview or final interview with the GCC your application is unsuccessful you will be offered verbal feedback from GatenbySanderson.