1. Do I have to be a UK national to apply for this role?

You must be free to remain and take up this role in the UK.

2. Is there an upper age limit?


3. Can I apply for a role if I am currently a chair or non-executive of an organisation within the health or social care sectors?

The nature of your role and any potential conflict of interest would need to be further explored, but this is not a barrier in and of itself. You may be need to relinquish that appointment if successful in this process, however.

4. I am a chiropractor. What are the requirements around registration and licence to practise?

Applicants who are registrants must be registered with the General Chiropractic Council at the time of application and remain so during the full term of their appointment.

5. Can I apply as a Lay chair if I am a chiropractic professional and a previous Registrant, but no longer practising?

The definition of “lay” for the purpose of this appointment is that this is someone who is, and never has been provisionally registered or fully registered as a chiropractor, was at no time registered with limited registration and does not hold qualifications which would entitle them to apply for provisional or full registration.

If you have previously practiced as a chiropractor, but are no longer on the register, to be eligible to apply, you would need to re-register with the GCC.

You would not be eligible to apply as a Lay person.

6. If I have been the subject of a Fitness to Practise complaint am I eligible to apply?

You will be disqualified from being appointed if you have been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning your fitness to practise by any licensing body, including the GCC, and the final outcome was:

  • Your suspension from a register, which has not been terminated
  • Your erasure from a register or a decision which has prevented you from practising
  • Your registration was made conditional upon compliance with any requirement or undertaking and these requirements have not been lifted or that the Privy Council is satisfied that membership would be liable to undermine public confidence in the regulation of the medical profession.
7. What will the time commitment be for the appointment?

The Chair will need to commit six to seven days per month, including travelling time and time spent preparing for meetings.

8. How much travel is involved?

Two of our four annual Council meetings take place at our offices in Kennington, South London (the other two meetings are virtual). The GCC is a UK wide regulator and there is an expectation of some visibility with groups across the UK throughout your tenure. You will be eligible to claim the costs of travel and subsistence necessary to attend meetings when required for GCC business.

9. Is this a fixed term appointment?

The initial appointment will be for a period not exceeding four years. The term of office will be determined by the Privy Council on appointment. The Chair may serve for a maximum period of eight years in any period of 20 years.

10. Who will make the appointments decision?

A selection panel comprising: Joe Montgomery, independent Chair of the panel; Steven Gould, lay member of Council; Elisabeth Angier, registrant member of Council; and Bev Messinger, independent member of the panel will be responsible for making recommendations for appointment. The decision for appointment is made by the Privy Council.

11. Do I need to use a computer?

Yes. The GCC conducts as much of its business as possible through electronic media. You should therefore expect to have access to and be able to use PC based software, email and the internet.

12. How do I put forward the best possible case for my candidacy?

You will be asked six competency based questions comprising your written application, each with a 350 word limit. Please ensure that your responses to these questions highlight specific and detailed examples of experience in line with these areas. It is important to be clear about your personal experience and that you give clear indications of the positive impact and outcomes you have delivered in each area.

When responding to these questions, please refer to the competencies detailed in this pack as all responses will be assessed against these.