Conflicts of Interest

The General Chiropractic Council would consider the following examples of significant conflict of interest for a candidate for appointment to public office. This list is not exhaustive.

  • Holding office on another health and care professional regulatory body.
  • Holding office on a professional organisation whose role is relevant to the regulator’s role or a non-departmental public body such as NHS England or Health Education England.
  • Holding other appointments/positions of any sort which collectively mean the individual is unlikely to be able to commit the required time to the regulator.
  • Any relevant business interests, positions of authority or other connections with organisations relevant to the business of the GCC.
  • Interests relating to other connected persons (defined as a person with whom you have a personal or business relationship), which could be perceived as influencing the position of Chair of Council.
  • Holding a current prominent position within a political party, in particular, but not exclusively with regard to health, as collective responsibility will apply.
  • Close relationships with other Council, Committee Members or Members of the selection panel.

These types of conflicts are likely to require candidates to relinquish other roles as a condition of appointment to the Council.
Due diligence and media checks for historic conflicts of interest, particularly political, and the possible perception of a remaining conflict of interest will be conducted. In considering these issues the selection panel will consider whether these have the potential for undermining confidence in the independence of the GCC and its ability to inspire confidence that it regulates in the public interest.

It is particularly important to declare any conflict of interest that could be considered relevant to the GCC at the application stage of the process.

Actual and perceived conflicts of interest will be fully explored by the selection panel at the interview stage.

Have a Complaint

The GCC is committed to receiving, responding swiftly to, and learning from, complaints about our service as part of our commitment to continuously improve the service we offer. If you are dissatisfied about any aspect of this recruitment campaign – the process; administration; timeliness; standards of service or the decision you can complain to us. You can find details of how to do this on the GCC website.